Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Reinforced Concrete Design(1) : properties of reinforced concrete, limit state design, analysis of the structure, analysis of the section, shear bond and torsion, serviceability, durability and stability requirements, design of reinforced concrete beams, design of reinforced concrete slabs, column design, foundations, water-retaining structures and retaining walls, pre-stressed concrete, analysis of concrete section under working loads, analysis and design at the ultimate limit state, water-retaining structures, design methods, retailing walls, piled foundations, combined footings, strap footings, loading and moments, design of short columns, design of slender columns, shear in slabs, solid slabs spanning in one direction, solid slabs spanning in two directions, design for bending, bar spacing, calculation of deflections, analysis of section subject to torsional moments, analysis of beams and frames, redistribution of moments.