Fundamentals of Digital Electronics : gates, and gate, the or and xor gates, gates with more than two inputs, data selector, encoders and decoders, the die, modulo 6 counter, encode, virtual dice, binary addition, adder expansion half adder, full adders, binary coded decimal, the d-latch, shift registers, the bucket brigade, ring counters, pseudo-random number generators, a 6-bit pseudo-random number generator, an 8-bit pseudo-random sequencer, 8-bit pseudo-random number generator, encryption of digital data, jk master-slave flip-flop, binary counter 1-bit, 2-bit and 4-bit, 8-bit binary counter with and without reset, digital-to-analog converter, alu simulator, simulating a real dac chip, waveform generators, special dac, analog-to-digital converters, purpose of the analog-to-digital converter, the ramp adc, tracking adc, sar simulation, seven segment digital displays, serial communications, serial transmitter, voltage to serial transmitter, central processing unit.