Thursday, December 7, 2023

Digital Circuit Projects : logisim circuit to turn on a light, implementing the switch circuit to turn on a light, debugging the circuit, 4gates, Boolean logic and binary values, binary operations, implementing the and gate circuit, ics and the 7408 chip, creating the AND circuit, associative Boolean operators, modeling associative operations in logisim, implementing the circuit, 6 adders, adding binary numbers, full adder, 2-bit adder circuit, decoders, decoder circuit, 2 to 4 decoder implementation, implementing a decoder using a single chip, multiplexers, circuit diagram for a mux, 74153 mux chip, 74153 circuit diagram, memory basics flip flops and latches, static and dynamic memory, sequential circuits, mod 4 counter, read only memory, use of these ICs in a CPU, flip flops, muxes, adder, decoder.