Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Computer Programming Tutorial : introduction to computer programming, algorithm, basics, environment, text editor, compiler, interpreter, online compilation, basic syntax, hello world program in c, syntax error, hello world program in java, hello world program in python, data types, c and java data types, python data types, variables, creating variables, store values in variables, access stored values in variables, variables in java, variables in python, keywords, c programming reserved keywords, java programming reserved keywords, python programming reserved keywords, operators, arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical operators, operators in java, operators in python, decision statements, if else statement, the switch statement, decisions in java, decisions in python, loops, the while loop, the do while loop, the break statement, the continue statement, loops in java, loops in python, numbers, math operations on numbers, numbers in java, numbers in python, characters, escape sequences, characters in java, characters in python, arrays, create arrays, initializing arrays, accessing array elements, strings, strings in java, strings in python, functions, defining a function, calling a function, functions in java, functions in python, file i/o, computer files, file input/output, file operation modes, opening files, closing a file, writing a file, reading a file, file i/o in java, file i/o in python.