Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Android Programmers Guide : what is android, downloading and installing eclipse, downloading and installing the android sdk, exploring the android sdk, application, using the command-line tools and the android emulator, using intents and the phone dialer, lists, menus and other views, using the cell phone’s gps functionality, using the google api with gtalk, application find a friend, android sdk tool reference, configuring the android plugin for eclipse, run the api demos sample application, android application life cycle, androidmanifest.xml, running the activitycreator.bat, compiling and installing the application, placing a call from activity, modifying the androidmanifest.xml, creating the android lbs activity, configuring the android emulator for gtalk, creating the activity’s layout in the googleapi.xml, creating a sqlite database, creating the find a friend activity, android debug bridge commands.