PIC Microcontrollers : introduction to microcontrollers, memory unit, central processing unit, buses, input-output unit, serial communication, watchdog, analog to digital converter, microcontroller pic16f84, clock/instruction cycle, pipelining, pin description, clock generator, central processing unit, ports, memory organization, eeprom data memory, assembly language programming, writing a sample program, control directives, files created as a result of program translation, mplab, designing a project, mpsim simulator, macros and subprograms, examples for subsystems within microcontroller, writing to and reading from eeprom, processing interrupt caused by changes on pins rb4-rb7, processing interrupt caused by overflow on timer tmr0, the microcontroller power supply, led diodes, push buttons, optocouplers, optocoupler on input line, optocoupler on output line, relay, generating sound, shift registers, input shift register, output shift register, 7-seqment display multiplexing, lcd display, software sci communication.
Thursday, December 7, 2023
by Books for on December 07, 2023
Microcontroller : microcontroller basics, microcontroller components, memory, digital i/o, communication interfaces, software development, hardware, motors, dc motor, stepper motor, switching loads, multiplexed display, phototransistor, debugging, data transmission, speed control through slave, multi-master mode, extended addresses, watchdog timer, pulse width modulation, input capture, output compare, analog i/o, digital/analog conversion, analog comparator, analog/digital conversion, accessing memory, non-volatile memory, interrupt control, potentiometer, position encoder, numeric display, matrix keypad, in circuit emulator.
by Books for on December 07, 2023
Exploring C for Microcontrollers : defining microcontrollers, integrated development environment, art of c programming for microcontrollers, exploring the capabilities of on-chip resources programming, hyperterminal based control, embedding microcontroller in routine applications, microcontroller based measurement and control applications, securing your embedded system application, security challenges in embedded systems, reading a pwm waveform using microcontroller, home automation from pc hyperterminal, writing isrs in c, led moving font, more projects on led interfacing to microcontrollers, basic c program structure, microcontroller applications.
by Books for on December 07, 2023
Embedded Systems Tutorial : basic structure of an embedded system, processors, processors in a system, types of processors, microprocessor, microcontroller, architecture, tools and peripherals, compilers and assemblers, debugging tools in an embedded system, criteria for choosing microcontroller, 8051 microcontroller, i/o programming, program counter, reset vector, stack pointer, assembly language, assembling and running an 8051 program, registers, storage registers in 8051, register bank/stack, instructions, addressing modes, calculating the short jump address, direct addressing mode, timer/counter, interrupts, edge triggering and level triggering, interrupt vector table, detecting timer overflow, immediate addressing mode, loop and jump instructions, how to switch register banks, single bit instruction, dual role of port 0 and port 2, block diagram of 8051 microcontroller.
by Books for on December 07, 2023
Microcontroller and Embedded Systems : introduction to computing, the avr microcontroller, avr architecture and assembly language programming, branch, call and time delay loop, avr i/o port programming, arithmetic, logic instructions and programs, avr advanced assembly language programming, avr programming in c, avr hardware connection, hex file and flash loaders, avr timer programming in assembly and c, avr interrupt programming in assembly and c, avr serial port programming in assembly and c, lcd and keyboard interfacing, adc, dac and sensor interfacing, relay, optoisolator and stepper motor interfacing with avr, input capture and wave generation in avr, pwm programming and dc motor control in avr, spi protocol and max7221 display interfacing, 12c protocol and ds1307 rtc interfacing.
by Books for on December 07, 2023
Advanced PIC Microcontroller Projects in C : microcomputer systems, microcontroller features, pic18f microcontroller series, c programming language, functions and libraries in mikroc, pic18 development tools, simple pic18 projects, advanced pic18 projects sd card projects, advanced pic18 projects usb bus projects, advanced pic18 projects can bus projects, multi tasking and real time operating systems, voltmeter with rs232 serial output, temperature sensor can bus project, pic 18f258 microcontroller, usb based microcontroller output port, read/write to sd card sector, read cid register and display on a pc screen, 7-segment led counter, pic microcontroller input output port programming, watchdog timer, analog to digital converter module, assemblers and compilers, calculator with keypad and lcd, read cid register and display on a pc screen, usb bus communication.
by Books for on December 07, 2023
Microprocessor with Projects and Ideas : microprocessor-controlled transistor lead identifier, smart fluid level indicator, pc based speed monitoring system, digital water level meter, universal high-resistance voltmeter, electrolysis-proof complete water-level solution, audio level indicator, laser controlled on/off switch, telephone conversation recorder, electronic voting machine, water-tank level meter, mini voice-processor, digital number shooting game, pc interfaced audio playback device, stepper motor driver, precision digital ac power controller, portable ozone generator, conference timer, add-on stereo channel selector, water temperature controller, emergency light, build your own c-band satellite tv-receiver, simple switch mode power supply, multichannel control using soft switches, ground conductivity measurement.
by Books for on December 07, 2023
Data Acquisition and Control : data acquisition and control hardware, communication buses and protocols, system software, basic component theory, passive components, filters, digital i/o, basic analog and digital i/o, temperature measurement, resistive temperature detectors, thermistors, strain measurement, strain gauge signal conditioning, current measurements, oem/factory automation and data acquisition, digital isolation, analog isolation, dry switching, maximum a/d speed, digital logic types and logic levels, cmos logic, op amp theory, power supply, input and output impedance, normal mode and common mode voltages.
by Books for on December 07, 2023
Practical Data Acquisition for Instrumentation and Control System(1) : analog and digital signals, signal conditioning, the pc for real time work, plug-in data acquisition boards, serial data communications, distributed and stand-alone loggers/controllers, ieee 488 standard, ethernet & lan systems, the universal serial bus, specific techniques, the pcmcia card, noise and interference, data acquisition and control system configuration, types of signal conditioning, field wiring and signal measurement.
by Books for on December 07, 2023
Practical Data Acquisition for Instrumentation and Control System : open systems interconnection model, protocols, distributed control systems, bits, bytes and characters, communication modes, asynchronous systems, synchronous systems, data coding, error detection, serial data communications interface standards, test equipment, the rs-422 interface standard, the rs-485 interface standard, serial interface converters, factors affecting signal propagation, types of error, error detection, cabling basics, electrical noise and interference, modems and multiplexers, introduction to protocols, open system interconnection model, industrial protocols, hart protocol, open industrial fieldbus and device net systems, local area networks.